Why Are Free Essays Online Dangerous for Students

Free essays online are not necessarily dangerous but instead they are unethical. When you are in high school or college your goal as a student is to produce high quality assignments and to learn what is necessary to succeed in the work world. However, when you download different essays online, you cheat the professor out of his right to read original work from you and you also cheat yourself in the end because you cheapen the value of your degree and you give college students a bad name. Here are other reasons why you don't want to buy free essays online.

Professionals May Not Be Legitimate

There have been stories of people who bought free essays from so-called professionals who claimed to produce original work but in reality they simply plagiarized much of the material. This is one reason why free essays online are not the best choice. In addition, the papers you buy are not a true representation of your beliefs on a certain subject so it is important that you write the paper yourself.

It's A Lazy Way Out

College is supposed to teach students discipline and hard work but when you purchase free essays online, you don't have an incentive to study and gather original research. If you want to challenge yourself as a student, you should get assistance from the teacher then look for ways to prepare the essay yourself, even if you have to put in more effort than usual.

You're Not Learning in A Practical Way

When you buy free essays online, you are not learning the practical lessons needed to think critically and gain time management skills. If you buy an essay on a certain topic, you will only know what the author of the purchased essay believes instead of working through your own opinions on an issue and writing those opinions on paper in a way that is backed by credible research.


Essays detail where you stand on a certain issue and there are essays that are informative in nature. Writing your own essay is actually a learning process because as you research the topic you're writing about, you become an expert on it and the knowledge you gained stays with you for many years. Finally, buying essays may get you a good grade but it is not a grade you deserve or earned.